10 Important Tips For Not Getting Sick At Doctor’s Office


Visiting health care offices frequently, unnecessarily “just in case” may not be without risks.

We make mostly every decision in life based on risk versus benefit ratio.

We should perhaps try to do the same within justified reason for the doctor’s visits as well, using expert advice if required.

There is increased risk of exposure to viruses, multi drug resistant bugs like clostridium difficile, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) and many other microbes due to contact spread or droplet infection and increased risks of over prescription of unnecessary antibiotics.


Many minor illnesses and viruses clear up spontaneously without requiring a visit to the doctor.


Call your doctor before you decide to go for a simple, non urgent matter e.g. simple cold .


Your physician may advise that you stay home, drink fluids, and rest or may call in a prescription without having you come to the office.


Exposure to microbes can occur anywhere and anytime; the likelihood of getting exposed to them depends on the place we are at.


Microbial exposure risk increases at doctor’s office -it could be through stethoscopes, glucometers that have not been sanitized in between uses. 

Other main items loaded with bacteria are the pens on the clipboard, the arm rests of chairs and couches, toys in pediatrician’s office and door handles . 



A study published in the American Journal of Infection Control found the privacy curtains used in hospitals and clinics are full of bacteria, including staph and antibiotic resistant MRSA. 


Researchers found that 60 percent of healthcare worker’s uniforms test positive for dangerous bugs including drug resistant MRSA and the ones that cause pneumonia and blood infections.

And when researchers tested whether or not bacteria can survive on paper products used in places like your doctor’s office (like prescription pads and exam room paper), they found that certain ones live for up to 72 hours. And, in fact, those bugs don’t just survive; they can also be transferred from the paper to other people.


10 Ways to avoid / decrease risk of infection exposure



1) Follow healthy habits and keep up to date with regular follow ups and recommendations from your family doctor.



You should discuss with your doctor about how frequent the follow ups need to be and come up with a plan regarding this.

2) Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing ,………. Cannot be stressed enough!! 

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Absolutely important to do especially after using toilet, before eating, after touching door handles at doctor’s office, after handling public telephones or other frequently touched objects in the waiting room.



3) Stay away/keep your child away from a sick person.

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4) Bring your own pen to sign. 

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In fact, new research conducted by com found that the item with the most germs is actually the clipboard pen used to sign paperwork. 

5) Using a paper towel or tissue to open doors is a good start.


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6) Make sure all medical staff from nursing aides to doctors wash their hands before touching you.


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7) Avoid the magazine rack. DO NOT GET TEMPTED TO TOUCH THEM.

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8) Keep your hands to yourself.

9) Carry your own hand sanitizer.

Hand sanitizer DO NOT affect ALL the bacteria. Best effective prevention is to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

You can tell if the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol by looking at the product label.



10) Avoid handshakes. If you like to greet your doctor with a handshake, think twice. 

A little caution saves you BIG troubles. 

Stay healthy , Stay happy!

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